"One of the simplest lead generation tools out there!"

Unlimited B2B Lead Generation from Google Maps 📍

Fill your pipeline with qualified leads on autopilot. Fully customizable, results guaranteed.

🌎 Get the contact information for any business owner in the world

⚡️ Generate leads for yourself or for your clients to use in their cold email

Live data from Google to ensure scraped contact data is always up-to-date

💾 One-click export of all scraped data to easily upload for cold outbound

💰 100% money back guarantee if you are unable to get any search results

🔍 Search for Any Business Type

Use specific keywords and locations to find the contact information for businesses in any niche.

👥 Scrape Contact Info from Google

Get real time access to Google Maps data to find up-to-date and accurate business information.

💾 Easily Export All Contact Data

Export search results that contain email address, phone number and more with one click to a .CSV file.

What does ColdScrape do?

ColdScrape scrapes business owner contact information (name, email & phone number) from Google maps.

How does ColdScrape work?

1. Create a new campaign - A campaign you can have a single search or multiple different "searches".

2. Create a new search - Type in the search keyword, how many to scrape, and the city to search in.

3. Review results - Review the results: name, email, phone number, website, address, rating & category.

4. Export data - Export all of the data as a .CSV for easy upload to your cold email/ cold calling platform.

How much does ColdScrape cost?

ColdScrape starts at $19 /mo and includes 100 search results per month. There may be multiple contact emails in a single search result. You can purchase more search results for as low as $0.05 each.

What's an example use case for ColdScrape?

For example, I run a website development agency for plumbers, and I need new clients. I would use ColdScrape to search for all the plumbers in my city. ColdScrape will return all of the plumber businesses with valid contact emails and phone numbers. This way I can download all of the email addresses and upload into my cold email platform to send out.

What makes ColdScrape unique?

Many lead generation platforms rely on old databases, leading to outdated info and missing crucial data on newly established businesses. ColdScrape works because it live-scrapes Google Maps for the most current business details that are added & maintained by the business owners themselves.

Standard Plan

$19 /mo

  • 100 search results per month

Purchase Additional Search Results for as low as $0.05 each.

  • Scrape all public data

  • Name, phone, email address

  • Export as CSV file

  • Email support